Episode 121 - Diamonds are for Feather
00:00:00 - Are you dying to know how diamonds make it to Earth's surface? Well the answer just might kill you. Abraham Padilla joins the Paleopals once more to talk about gas-powered kimberlite super-volcanoes on steroids. BOOM!
00:22:20 - Beer is also gas powered... sort of. Charlie has a beer of a different sort with his Bundaberg ginger beer from the land down under. Ben is stocked up on weird pop and this week choses to enjoy a Blue Sky Cherry Vanilla Cream Natural Soda. The name is as long as the taste is good. And finally, Abe has brought Ryan some hard to pronounce Icelandic beer: Kaldi Dökkur Lager Bjór and Skjalfti (photo of Ryan podcasting at the link!).
00:28:15 -Movies often show you an occurrence of events in a temporal sequence, but few are as on the nose about it as the upcoming found footage superpower flick Chronicle.
00:37:11 - Thanks to science, we now have a better idea of what color Archaeopteryx might have been. This also sheds light on it's abilities as a flyer. Ben gets distracted by other fossils while Ryan tries to explain what another paleontologist named Ryan has found out.
00:51:36 - PaleoPOWs are a lot like feathers, they can keep you aloft when you need it most. Charlie has a two tweets from prodigal listeners, @YPGeek and @clarkraykent. Thanks for coming back guys! Ryan has the greatest gift of all in the form of a handsome donation from handsome Nick W. left at our handsome donation page. Thanks, Nick! And finally Ben pleas for more Canadian iTunes feedback, but follows it up with a fantastic rendition of an Aussie iTunes review from Martin B.
Thanks for listening! Be sure to check out the other great shows available on the Brachiolope Media Network!
Music for this week's show provided by:
Diamond - Klint
Immigrant Song - Led Zeppelin
Superpowers - Five Iron Frenzy
Black Crows - honeyhoney