Episode 88 - More Energy, More Problems
00:00:00 - The show begins with the Paleopals discussing a story that sounds too good to be true. Namely that the interaction of river and sea can be used as a safe, nonpolluting form of power, but can the work be understood? Therein lies the rub.
00:23:06 - Jacob is teetotaling while in training, Ryan takes it back to the Olde Country, which is apparently quite wordy, but Charlie keeps is simple and South of the border.
00:30:26 - It's like starting all over again (at least back to High School) as the Paleopals discuss the trailer for the new film Beginners (staring sexy Ewan McGregor).
00:39:20 - After Fukushima, which we discussed in detail in Episode 84 with Brian Dunning, as well as the release of the new Marvel studios movie Thor, which Ryan wrote a piece about for Marvel.com, people are looking again at the element Thorium as a new source for nuclear power. The real mystery is why we haven't been using this stuff for years.
- Also, in response to Jenny's nuclear concerns, Jacob pointed out this article which breaks down deaths per TWH by energy source.
00:56:49 - PaleoPOWs are a lot like energy, you never have as much as you think. Ryan starts it off with a beer reccomendation paired with adulation from Tobin S. Always appreciated. Charlie has some bitter commentary from Dustin K. via Episode 86. And finally Jacob has an e-mail from Jenny sent to him by Ryan so he could get us talking about Thorium (see above) and inadvertent philosophy of science by way of microbiology.
Thanks for listening! Our blog can be found at Paleocave.com
Music for this week's show:
James River Blues - Old Crow Medicine Show
Training - Shadowgrounds Surivor OST (From the Humble Bundle)
Where Do I Begin - The Chemical Brothers
Power Supply - Anamanaguchi